Cedarwood essential oil is a great #antioxidant and it is very effective in curing #acne, #bronchitis, #cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis, #stress, kidney disorders and as a treatment for oily skin. In addition to quelling #arthritisinflammation, #healing wounds, and working as a #naturalinsecticide, cedarwood essential oil is ideal to use in topical preparations to fight free radicals that cause skin damage.
Spirit: relaxing, it can transport you to another realm. Cedarwood stimulates a feeling of protection and contentment, dream-work and strengthens physic abilities so one can focus and have clarity. The spiritual qualities make the aroma of cedarwood ideal for bringing ourselves into #balance, quieting the mind and feeling in alignment. Cedarwood is a very sensual oil too in that it heightens the senses and relaxes the body. Because of its woody, mellow scent, this oil can create an atmosphere of romance, mystery, and sensuality. This oil is known as an #aphrodisiac.
Recipe: Place 5 to 10 drops in a diffuser in the bedroom, or add to a warm candlelit bath to create a relaxed and sensual atmosphere ~ you can even add some other aphrodisiac oils as well, like Jasmine, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Patchouli, Rose, Neroli, and Ylang Ylang.
Tip: Traditionally used for bronchial and urinary tract infections, also for preservation and incense. Employed in traditional Tibetan medicine. It was the wood that Solomon chose to build the Temple in Jerusalem. It is known as 'the tree of life' and the essential oil is believed to promote courage and strength. It is reputed to be the oil that David anointed himself with before fighting Goliath.
Contraindications: may produce irritations on the skin if used in high concentrations. Cedarwood oil cannot be ingested. Avoid during pregnancy.