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Writer's pictureMarta

Ayurvedic Elakizhi

Just came back from India, where I did a diploma in Ayurveda and Panchakarma. The bags in the picture are bolus bags, prepared for the Elakizhi treatment. They are made with fresh leaves, collected and cut into small pieces. These cut leafs are then fried in medicated oil along with coconut scrapes and lemon. It is then tied in a suitable cloth and made in to a bolus. Leaves of Calotropis gigantean, Ricinus communis, Vites nigundo, Muoringa oilfera, Tamarind etc. are the ones generally used for the bolus preparation. The inclusion of herbal leaves in the preparation of bouls depends on the condition of the individual. Medicated oil is applied on the whole body on the affected area. Prepared bouls is heated in small quantity of medicated oil and is applied over the body as soft punches. The technique nourishes the strained body parts and alleviates sore muscles and joints. This therapy is effective in various types of arthritis, spondylitis, lumbago, frozen shoulder, sciatica, post paralytic spasm, sports injuries and for all other spastic and inflammatory conditions etc. It enhances peripheral blood circulation, cleanses the channels of circulation and expels toxins through the sweat. It helps in toning and rejuvenating the body. Elakizhi is a part of panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. It is an innovative classical massage with medicated leaves. The benefits of Elakizhi are relieving spasm and stiffness of muscles, lubricating joints, strengthening the spinal muscles and relieving joint pain, especially back ache. It enchases peripheral blood circulation, cleanses the channels of circulation and expels toxins through the sweat and refreshing the body. I’m looking forward to start performing all this wonderful beneficial treatment! #ayurveda#ayurvediccare #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurvedalife #ayurvedaeveryday#bolusbagmassage #elakizhi #herbalremedies

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